Mining CIT
Delegators to validators within Coaction Network will earn both native protocol rewards and Coaction Network protocol rewards. For example, a Cosmos delegator to a Coaction validator will earn both ATOM and CIT. CIT rewards will be earned at a rate proportionate to treasury contribution. For example, if a delegator contributes 10% of total treasury revenue within a given window, they will earn 10% of the CIT minted during that same window.
Once our validator group is open to the public, validators that tokenize through Coaction will earn a 10% fee on all CIT mined by their delegation base. This percentage fee will eventually be subject to a governance proposal vote to ensure all network participants are rewarded adequately.
The emission schedule for these rewards will be set to 2% of the supply that has not been released, each month. For an illustrative view, see Supply Schedule within the Key Properties section.
Last updated